

Request Assigned Writing Advisors for Your Non-Cornerstone/WRIT 1000 Classes

下载我们的表格 寄给梅丽莎·帕夫利克 mpavlik@dienmayhikaru.com or via campus mail to the 写作中心, Box 38.

Please note that Cornerstone and WRIT 1000 classes are the top priority for assigned WA’s. WR classes are the next priority, then WI classes. Because many of the Cornerstone sections run in the fall, fewer WA’s are available for other classes. The supply for WR/WI classes is greater in the spring, though there may be some WA’s available in the fall semester, depending on the number of Cornerstone/WI sections being offered and the number of WA’s available. We’ve been able to cover requests for spring WR and WI classes, plus some other classes in which a heavy load of writing is a part of the teaching/learning strategy.

The form explains options available to you if we are unable to accommodate your request.

Short Guides to Writing Instruction from Our 写作中心

教师 and Writing at North Park University

  • 卡罗尔·马丁, director emeritus of the 写作中心, 解释写作的方法, 使用和教授它, in the academic life at the University.

African American Vernacular English (AAVE)

  • AAVE, otherwise known as Ebonics, is explained as an entirely new dialect, not just improper English.

Conferencing in the 写作中心

  • The benefits and process of 写作中心 conferences in student work.

Suggestions for Dealing with Writing Assignments

  • Eight suggestions for helping students be successful in their written work.


  • How and when to use informal composition in the learning process.


  • An explanation of Standard American English.


  • The six most common grammar mistakes in student written work.



Browse our collection of PowerPoint presentations for examples of effective PowerPoint design and tools for in-class writing instruction.

Creating Effective 幻灯片演示

Writing Instruction/Pedagogy Presentations

  • 整合资源PowerPoint: Help students learn when and how to incorporate sources.
  • 协作学习: In this PowerPoint, Writing Advisors reflect on their own experiences with collaborative learning.


For her classic journal article “Responding to Student Writing,” Nancy Sommers studied instructor feedback and found that commentary on student papers was not specific to each student’s essay and could be “rubber-stamped” from one essay to the next. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, here are some examples of responses from our Writing Advisors that give students’ work a fair and thorough reading on its own terms and that respond with feedback designed to generate new, 更深层次的想法. These are not intended to be entirely exemplary—there is way more commentary here than one instructor could possibly be expected to give. These are meant to give examples of the kinds of comments you could make, not an example of how many you should make.